Double Happiness《双喜》– Lan Tung (2014) - erhu & violin, or erhu & cello, commissioned by Russell Wallace
This piece was originally commissioned by Russell Wallace for erhu and violin in 2014. In 2016, Lan re-arranged it for erhu and cello. This duet is inspired by the erhu solo piece Birds Singing in the Mountains, written in 1928. The original erhu solo piece extended the traditional sounds of the erhu with techniques borrowed from the violin. However, in Double Happiness, Lan Tung has the western instrument playing a number of erhu techniques, including the trio glissandi and fast rolling of three fingers on the same note. The two instruments echo each other in an intricate dialogue which develops into improvisation.
《雙喜》 (Double Happiness, 2014),二胡、小提琴重奏, 或是二胡、大提琴重奏