The core members of the Sound of Dragon Ensemble are
Nicole Ge Li – gaohu, erhu, zhonghu
Lan Tung – erhu & vocal
Mark McGregor – flutes
Charlie Lui – dizi/Chinese flutes, xiao
Marina Hasselberg – cello
Itamar Erez – classical guitar
Zhimin Yu – zhongruan & daruan
Jonathan Bernard – percussion

Mark McGregor - 長笛
Marina Hasselberg - 大提琴
Itmar Erez- 古典吉他
Jonathan Bernard- 打擊樂

“a unified yet exotic sound” – Georgia Straight, 2017

The Sound of Dragon Ensemble is dedicated to creating/presenting new works for the combination of Chinese and western instruments and presenting contemporary music of Chinese roots/influences to the world stage. Established in 2015 and debuted at the 2016 Sound of Dragon Music Festival, the Sound of Dragon Ensemble brings together some of the most skillful Vancouver musicians: Lan Tung (erhu & voice), Nicole Li (erhu), Marina Hasselberg (cell), Charlie Lui (dizi), Mark McGregor (flute), Itamar Erez (guitar), Zhimin Yu (ruan), and Jonathan Bernard (percussion). This instrumentation has been carefully selected by pairing Chinese and western instruments in the families of bowed strings, plucked strings, and winds, completed by a collection of percussion instruments from both the east and the west. 

The Sound of Dragon Ensemble provides the platform to showcase new works and to create opportunities to collaborate and develop. The ensemble is especially interested in the contemporary development of “Canadian Chinese music”, cultivated in our multicultural environment. The ensemble’s repertoire represents original Canadian intercultural art music and breaks down genre boundaries, crossing over Chinese traditions, contemporary music, world fusion, and improvisation. The ensemble has commissioned/premiered/performed music from Canadian composers Mark Armanini, Dorothy Chang, Jordan Nobles, Farshid Samandari, Alice Ho, Itamar Erez, Moshe Denburg, Lan Tung, John Oliver, Adam Hill, Nova Pon, Ali Razmi, Tony Leung, and Bruce Bai. Through call-for-scores, the Sound of Dragon Ensemble has received scores from composers in 13 countries. It has premiered works by Canadian, US, Taiwanese, Chinese, Italian, and UK composers. 

The Sound of Dragon Ensemble has given a number of sold-out-concerts, including the collaboration with dancer Dong Mei (2017), the Toronto Chinese Orchestra Chamber Players (2018 Sound of Dragon Music Festival), and Melody of China (2019). The collaboration with Melody of China marked the first time two professional ensembles of Chinese roots from across the US/Canada border have come to work together. Internationally, the ensemble has appeared at the 2019 San Francisco International Arts Festival, 2019 Ding Yi Chinese Chamber Music Festival in Singapore, and Henan Chinese Medicine University and Ping Ding Shan Cultural Centre in China. In a very short time, the ensemble has grown to be a strong voice of contemporary cross-cultural music with enthusiastic support from the music community and the audiences.

龍吟滄海協會於2013年登記為加拿大BC省的非謀利音樂機構,透過舉辦音樂節、音樂會、工作坊、講座等活動,宣揚及保存華裔移民原生地的傳統音樂,同時鼓勵不同族裔的音樂家交流合作,創新發展融合東西方特點的新樂種,打破民族、地域、音樂類別的界限, 重新定義加拿大特色的華裔音樂,展現溫哥華音樂圈的多元與活力。



溫哥華喬治亞週報形容龍吟滄海樂團的音樂,兼具「 融合一致的整體性及文化碰撞帶來的異域風情」。樂團集結了大溫地區一群技巧精湛的音樂家, 共同探索跨文化的音樂領域,並提供作曲家、演奏家們創意實現的平台。樂團2015年首次的徵曲,即在國際上受到熱烈的迴響,收到33首來自13個國家作曲家的作品。此外,樂團亦積極委託當代作曲家譜寫新作。目前樂團的保留曲目有加拿大、台灣、中國、美國、義大利、英國作曲家的作品。

Sound of Dragon Ensemble Repertoire

If you are interested in composing music for the Sound of Dragon Ensemble, please contact us.