Ma Cao (The Righteous Drummer)《罵曹》 – Lan Tung (2014)
- vocal & chamber orchestra or intercultural orchestra or Chinese orchestra
Lan was commissioned by Canadian singer-songwriter Geoff Berner to create a new arrangement of Berner’s politically charged “Victory Party”. After much thought, Lan took a unique approach and blended Berner’s Klezmer rhythms with Beijing Opera music in her tribute to Berner. The selected Beijing Opera excerpt told the story of a scholar criticizing the powerful General Cao in the late Han Dynasty in China, 2000 years ago. This opera resonates very much with the spirit of Berner’s music, and it has led to the development of “Ma Chao”, for an inter-cultural orchestra.
- vocal & chamber orchestra or intercultural orchestra or Chinese orchestra
Lan was commissioned by Canadian singer-songwriter Geoff Berner to create a new arrangement of Berner’s politically charged “Victory Party”. After much thought, Lan took a unique approach and blended Berner’s Klezmer rhythms with Beijing Opera music in her tribute to Berner. The selected Beijing Opera excerpt told the story of a scholar criticizing the powerful General Cao in the late Han Dynasty in China, 2000 years ago. This opera resonates very much with the spirit of Berner’s music, and it has led to the development of “Ma Chao”, for an inter-cultural orchestra.
《罵曹》 (Ma Cao, 2014) – 董籃作曲,人聲與室內樂團
融合京劇「罵曹」唱段、猶太克萊茲莫音樂節奏、爵士樂風格,2015年由溫哥華跨文化管弦樂團在多倫多首演。2014年,加拿大著名猶太裔歌手Geoff Berner邀請董籃在他的眾多唱片中挑選一首歌曲出來重新演繹。Berner的原創歌曲往往以幽默嘲諷的方式表達對政客的不滿,同時反映著大家關注的社會問題。因此,董籃將「罵曹」的京劇選段與Berner歌曲中的音型節奏融合,完成的作品即是後來室內樂版本「罵曹」的雛型。雖然新作品與Berner的音樂完全不同,但延續了他透過音樂創作為社會大眾發聲的精神。